Gravity Seems to Be Increasing

My apologies for the slow updates lately. For some reason, since our vacation, the Info Pusher and I have both felt deeply tired. We figure, when we think about it, that there are a couple of likely reasons.

One, we walked so much in New York that our bodies couldn’t hold all the tiredness at one time and so we’re getting it doled out over time.

Two, we have a long-lasting but very mild virus (the sort I am sure will end the world with a whimper).

Three is my favourite: Gravity is increasing.

In any case, I’m still backed up sharing the music I found on the trip. I have some interesting audio recordings of ambient city sounds, which I’ll post asap. I already talked about Charles Spearin. I told you the great Blue Note burn. I also stumbled across an interesting band playing on the stereo  in a kitschy robot/spacemen shop.

They’re called RH+, although it seems they go by Rock Hudson in their home country Chile. Most of the info I’ve been able to locate on them is either minimal or in Spanish; reviews tend to mimic the language from (I’m guessing) some original review or press release  and compare them to Broken Social Scene, which doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. They sound more like the Human League to me, if Human League had stayed active and kept being influenced by new music for the last 30 years.

I don’t love it, but I do like it. The album’s called Quintana Roo, and here’s the track that caught my ear.

Curb – by RH+

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